Wednesday, 12 November 2008

MouseMesh now sold in Euros

MouseMesh is a metal mesh that can be fitted over air bricks - the small mesh size ensures that mice can no longer enter your premises through an air brick. The mesh size is so small - 2mm by 2mm - that many small insect pests are also barred from entry!

MouseMesh is available in three sizes which can be purchased from the MouseMesh web site - and you can also buy an adhesive which is recommended for use in fixing the mesh to a wall if you don't wish to use screws.

SiteWeave Internet Services LLP wrote the MouseMesh web site some time ago and have seen a steady increase in the number of visits to the site, and MouseMesh have seen a steady increase in sales to clients in the UK.

Encouraged by enquiries from Europe, Tony Carr of MouseMesh requested SiteWeave to create pages and a PayPal shopping basket so that MouseMesh can be bought in Euros. These pages and shopping basket were launched today.

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