Thursday, 30 April 2009

Innova Design & Build are SiteWeave Number 1 Site

Each month SiteWeave highlights one of their web sites which can be found on Page 1 of Google when searched for using five different search terms. The site of the month for May 2009 is Innova Design & Build, based in Emsworth, Hampshire.

Innova supply customers throughout the UK with machined parts, ranging from single prototypes to medium volume production using materials varying from aluminium and plastics to stainless steel and titanium.

By using the latest CAD/CAM techniques they have the capability to machine components at an affordable price. Components can be supplied with a wide range of finishes and coatings and provided in part or fully assembled condition.

The Innova web site is another SiteWeave Send and Go site - one of many sites built around the Send and Go concept - clients Send their text and images to SiteWeave who then get it ready to Go - often in a matter of a few weeks.

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