Thursday, 2 July 2009

SiteWeave adds new products to Easy Alarms web site

The Easy Alarms web site sells a wide range of burglar and intruder alarms and surveillance products, ranging from simple movement detectors to complete intruder alarm systems that include surveillance cameras, infra-red detectors and the ability to record both still photographs and movies.

Recently SiteWeave, who wrote the Easy Alarms web site, were asked to add a further 26 products which are classified in five groups:

As the name of the web site suggests, all these alarms are easy to install and the average householder should have no problem in installing them. Most of the equipment is wireless, making it very easy to install since there are no wires to connect or conceal.

The initial Easy Alarms web site was a SiteWeave Send and Go web site and has now expanded well beyond the initial six pages of the standard Send and Go web site. Although SiteWeave undertake major updates such as adding new products, the day-by-day maintenance is undertaken by Easy Alarm staff

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