Thursday, 22 October 2009

SiteWeave Launch new web site: The Village Shop & Tea Room, Compton

The Village Shop & Tea Room, Compton, is in the heart of the West Sussex Downlands, an area of outstanding natural beauty and now part of the South Downs National Park. Opened Easter 2009, the shop and tea room has already become known as a shopping, meeting and eating place popular with locals, walkers and strollers, cyclists and bikers, artists and gazers. The shop and tea room are fully accessible to wheelchair users (M3A) and the tea room is equipped with free WiFi Internet access.

The shop sells a wide range of local seasonal produce such as Durleighmarsh asparagus and strawberries. Local products also include Adsdean bacon and sausages, Lordington Lavender soaps and toiletries, honey from hives at both Lordington and Stansted, real bread from Westbourne Bakery, as well as lovely cards by local artists - and much more.

The Village Shop & Tea Room web site is another SiteWeave Send and Go site. If you are interested in having a small but effective web site then contact SiteWeave: 02392 753 289 or email John Studd.

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