Thursday, 4 March 2010

SiteWeave Launch Tasty Trotters web site

Tasty Trotters provide a range of mouth-watering food for a variety of functions - hog roasts, roast lamb and pork, barbeque chicken and fish - and a selection of salads and vegetarian foods.

The Tasty Trotters web site is another of our successful Send and Go web sites and shows how quickly such sites can be created and put online: Dan telephone us one lunch time and arranged to call round to the SiteWeave office that afternoon. We showed him several current Send and Go web sites and he was so impressed that he left a deposit that afternoon!

During the next two weeks Dan sent us the content for the web site and SiteWeave registered the domain name and worked on the design. Once all the content was to hand we uploaded the site and registered it with Google.

So, within two weeks on the initial telephone call the web site was up and running! Send and Go at its best!

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