This involves employing a number of modifications to various aspects of the web site, with particular reference to their key words and phrases:
PKI - Public Key Infrastructure PKI arrangements enable computer users without prior contact to be authenticated to each other, and to use the public key information in their public key certificates to encrypt messages to each other.[1] In general, a PKI consists of client software, server software, hardware (e.g., smart cards), legal contracts and assurances, and operational procedures. A signer's public key certificate may also be used by a third-party to verify the digital signature of a message, which was made using the signer's private key.
In general, a PKI enables the parties in a dialogue to establish confidentiality, message integrity and user authentication without having to exchange any secret information in advance, or even any prior contact. The validity of a PKI between the communicating parties is, however, limited by practical problems such as uncertain certificate revocation, CA conditions for certificate issuance and reliance, variability of regulations and evidentiary laws by jurisdiction, and trust.[2] These problems, which are significant for the initial contact, tend to be less important as the communication progresses in time (including the use of other communication channels) and the parties have opportunities to develop trust on their identities and keys.
Digital Certificate - Public key certificate issued by a certification authority (CA) to guarantee that a user's identities and keys are valid and trustworthy. Digital certificates include the user's name, the public key of the user, the period over which the certificate is valid, and whether the key is to be used for data encryption, verification of digital signatures, or both. Commonly, digital certificates are used to verify that the sender of the message is the person they claim to be and also to provide the means with which to encrypt a reply.
SSL - Secure Sockets Layer - is a global standard security technology developed by Netscape in 1994. It creates an encrypted link between a web server and a web browser to ensure that all data transmitted remains private and secure. Millions of consumers recognize the "golden padlock" which appears in their browser to indicate they are viewing a secure web page.
digital signature
Secure email - Secure eMail is primarily about looking at the ways in which the criminal justice organisations and independent criminal justice practitioners such as solicitors and barristers can improve the way they communicate business information through the use of email. Practitioners across the country are now using Secure eMail to speed up their business processes, and are constantly seeking to identify new opportunities to use the programme as a means of improving communications across the Criminal Justice System.
A good example of how Secure eMail is being used to speed up business practices can be seen in the youth justice system. In order to replace the current system of sending large files by fax the Youth Justice Board has completed the rollout of Secure eMail to cover all the young offenders institutions and most of the children's homes and training centres that the organisation oversees. The next phase of the Secure eMail project will involve all the local authority Youth Offending Teams using the system when communicating with young offenders institutions and other sites.
Encryption - In cryptography, encryption is the process of transforming information (referred to as plaintext) using an algorithm (called cipher) to make it unreadable to anyone except those possessing special knowledge, usually referred to as a key. The result of the process is encrypted information (in cryptography, referred to as ciphertext). In many contexts, the word encryption also implicitly refers to the reverse process, decryption (e.g. “software for encryption” can typically also perform decryption), to make the encrypted information readable again (i.e. to make it unencrypted).
ID management - Identity management has become a key issue in information security. Governments and businesses are using identity management systems to provide and control access to places and services such as bank accounts, buildings and computer applications.
Identity theft is increasing. With it, the risk intensifies that not only data but an individual's privacy and reputation might be compromised. This growing need for data security is one of the driving forces behind the Data Protection Act.
An individual's identity arises in two ways: biologically and socially. Biometric identity relates to things we inherit from our parents, such as DNA, fingerprints and retina patterns. The chances of duplicate patterns occuring are tiny. So, individually or in combination, these patterns determine our identity with a very high degree of certainty.
This makes digitised biometric identity management interesting to state agencies such as immigration, the police, the National Health Service, and others that need to determine an individual's identity accurately and quickly.
Government Gateway - is the website you use to register for online government services. It is an important part of the government's strategy of delivering 'joined up' government, enabling people to communicate and make transactions with government from a single point of entry.
Smart card management - Smart Cards are continuing their ascent across vertical industries as more and more organisations recognise the value of delivering services through this secure platform. Fuelling the move toward smart card technology requires a powerful smart card management solution and many companies recognised the need to deliver key solutions to support the secure delivery of information through this medium.