Petersfield Area Churches Together and the PACT web site is designed to promote the activities of the
churches in Petersfield and the organisations that are affiliated to, or associated with, PACT.
Each church has its own page, with a link to the church's own web site and a note of any future events to which all members of PACT churches are invited. Each organisation has its own page and, where available, a web site link - those without a web site of their own can display details about their organisation on the PACT web site.
The PACT web site makes available copies of
Christian Comment, published each week in the Petersfield Post and the
PACT Newsletter which is published every month.
If you wish to be kept informed of the activities of the churches and the other organisations you can
subscribe to that organisation's email group, then, whenever a new event is planned you will be sent an email containing a link to the appropriate page of the PACT web site.
The PACT web site was created by SiteWeave and will be updated by John Studd, one of the partners in
SiteWeave who will be the PACT web master - assisted by Content Managers who will be resposible for updating the site and sending out emails.