Bin It is a small, family run business, established in Portsmouth for more than five years. They will remove and dispose of rubbish from your home, garage or garden - and aim to recycle as much of your waste as possible.
They have a licence to dispose of rubbish in commercial dumps and will also arrange proper disposal of electrical items such as refridgerators which can be a problem for private indivuals to get rid of.
The Bin It web site is a SiteWeave one page web site, with an additional contact page. Such web sites are ideal for small companies who cannot justify the cost of a full web site but require an Internet presence. In addition to one page web sites SiteWeave provide six page Send and Go web sites and multipage bespoke web sites.
For details see the SiteWeave web site, telephone John S on 02392 753 289 or email John.
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